How to get O2 Priority tickets + Code? For United Kingdom Concert & Events

By Dipak Chauhan

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If you love going to concerts and are always on the lookout for new ones to attend, you might have come across something called “O2 Priority presale” on the ticket sales page.

O2 Priority tickets

This has left some fans confused about where they can get the O2 Priority code and how to obtain it.

We’ve observed that a number of our website visitors have been inquiring about O2 presale tickets and the associated access code in the comments section of our posts.

So, we have decided to provide a detailed guide on how to get the tickets and the code as well.

How to get o2 priority tickets & Code?

The process is quite simple and can be completed in just 2 minutes, so let’s get started.

Please note that in order to obtain the O2 Presale code, fans will require either an O2 number or a Virgin Media broadband account. If you possess either of these, you are all set to proceed with the following steps.

Step 1 : Go to Website

Step 2 : Click on “Sign in” in menu

To gain access to presale tickets, you will need to create an account or, if you already have one, simply sign in.

Click on "Sign in" in menu

Step 3 : Click on “Log in With O2”

Please follow the instructions in the image below, click on the “Log in with O2” button.

Click on "Log in With O2"

Step 4 : Enter Mobile no & Hit “Send code”

Please enter your personal valid mobile number. Remember, this is the number where you will receive the presale code OTP, so please enter it accurately.

Enter your mobile number for OTP verification

Step 5 : Enter OTP & click “Sign in”

Please verify your number by entering the OTP (One-Time Password) received on your mobile device.

Enter OTP & click "Sign in

Step 6 : You are done, Finished

Congratulations, you’re all set! When a presale goes live, you will receive the presale code either through SMS or if you have the O2 Priority app installed, you will receive a push notification as soon as O2 Priority releases the code.

Also check : Upcoming concert Presale codes

Take a moment to review a few questions you might still have in mind, and find clarifications in Simple FAQ section below.

Resource FAQs

When are O2 Priority codes sent?

O2 Priority codes are typically sent 12-48 hours before the general sale.

Do I need to buy a Membership to get an O2 Priority code?

No, you do not need to purchase a membership to obtain an O2 Priority code. Simply sign in to the O2 Priority app and enable notifications, and you’re all set.

How many presale tickets can you get on O2 priority?

The number of presale tickets you can get on O2 Priority varies depending on the event. However, most events allow you to purchase up to 4 tickets per application.

Does O2 priority Presale cost more?

No, O2 Priority itself is a free service provided by O2 to its customers. There are no additional costs associated with being an O2 Priority member.

However, it’s important to note that the price of tickets or any purchases made through O2 Priority will be determined by the event organizers or merchants, and O2 Priority does not add any extra costs to the tickets or products you purchase.

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Dipak Chauhan, a seasoned expert in the concert industry with years of experience, is the Founder & Presale Code Expert at Surat Blogger. He offers free concert presale codes, keeps fans informed about upcoming concerts, and conducts data-driven case studies. Connect with Dipak on social media for hassle-free access to your favorite shows.

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